International Legal Services Firm Sees Smooth E-Discovery Data Migration

International Legal Services Firm Sees Smooth E-Discovery Data Migration


Today’s legal proceedings often rely on obtaining evidence through the process of e-discovery, where electronic data from laptops, cell phones, and other devices are sourced, transferred, and used as evidence in lawsuits or investigations. For a large, international legal services firm based in the midwestern United States, this dataset created huge migration challenges. Somehow, the firm had to migrate this complex data, made up of billions of small electronic files – emails, voicemails, videos, documents, and more – without spending massive amounts of time and labor to get the job done.

A Legal Challenge

An overworked staff, combined with outdated tools and a time crunch, complicated the migration. Scripting the migrations manually would’ve been burdensome for the IT staff and it wasn’t feasible to hire more people just to refresh the existing infrastructure. To make matters worse, their outdated migration tools didn’t give them chain of custody for data migration ­ a necessity for the e-discovery process – and their existing migration tools couldn’t handle the high volume of files. Plus, maintenance was about to expire on existing Dell EMC VNX hardware and renewing the contract would be costly. How could they quickly execute the migration without breaking the bank?

DobiMigrate Gets the Job Done

With highly sensitive data at stake, accuracy and speed were essential. The firm needed a partner with experience and Datadobi delivered. The firm kickstarted the project by purchasing 1,200 TB of DobiMigrate licenses plus 10 days of Datadobi Professional Services support.

Saving Time and Money

Once the project was up and running, the firm was thrilled. Initial tests performed at a rate of more than 1 TB/hour. DobiMigrate is projected to get the job done easily within six to seven months. In addition, DobiMigrate has had a positive impact on the firm’s financial future. Because the original source storage system was at the end of its maintenance contract, completing the migration before year-end meant saving $300,000 in maintenance costs. A storage migration is a financial decision as much as a technical one. In this case, the migration has more than paid for itself.

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