By now it is common knowledge that unstructured data is growing out of control. So the question everyone is asking is, how do you truly manage unstructured data in the multi‑vendor, multi‑cloud environments that are becoming the norm?
Maximizing Scarce Data Storage Resources is Critical Amid Increasing Demands on IT Budgets for 2022
Better use of data center resources is going to be a top priority for virtually every enterprise CIO and IT leader in 2022. As exponential growth of unstructured data continues its trajectory into the upcoming year and beyond, bourgeoning demands on IT resources continue to mount.
Proper Testing Protocols Are the Make-or-Break for On-Premises and Cloud Data Migrations — So Why Are Organizations Still Ignoring Them?
In this latest blog article, I wanted to cover a topic that is not looked at as the most glamorous or technical, but nonetheless can mean the difference between a successful or failed migration. What is that topic? Proper testing protocols in data migration.
While this might seem like a subject posed by Captain Obvious himself, it is something we see pop up often enough to warrant a deeper discussion.
The Best of Both Worlds – How Datadobi and Azure ExpressRoute Can Help Enterprise Organizations Reap the Benefits of On-Premises Storage and the Cloud
Amid the explosion of unstructured data, many companies are hurrying to migrate and protect their organization’s data and applications in the cloud. They do so in the hopes of taking advantage of its flexibility, powerful performance and computing capabilities, scalability, storage capacity, and faster application deployment.
The Devil is in the Details: Why Most Cloud and Storage Vendors Can’t Truly Claim They Do Multi-Vendor Data Management
Most of the resources that are being deployed in IT today are aimed at generating, storing, and serving data to your customers and employees. Across all industries, data is growing at unprecedented rates and although it has the potential to bring business value, it can also bring substantial cost, risk, and pain to not only you but everyone in the data chain (i.e., all your customers and staff).
The Importance of Properly Managing AI and Machine Learning (ML) Data
From an early age, technology has had an extreme influence on the trajectory of my life. What started out as an interest in video games, such as Asteroids on Atari or Super Mario on Nintendo, has translated into a 35+ year career in the industry. My fascination continues to evolve with the field every single day.